God’s Providence Saves You-Acts 23

- “I have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day” (Ac 23:1).
- “The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, ‘Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome” (Ac 23:11).
- “But when the son of Paul’s sister heard of this plot, he went into the barracks and told Paul” (Ac 23:16). [A Good Conscience Saves You (Ac 23:1). God’s Nearness/Courageous Testimony Saves You (Ac 23:11)]
What does Paul’s opening declaration to the Sanhedrin of fulfilling his “duty to God in all good conscience” [23x] mean (Ac 23:1; 24:16; 20:26, 33; Phil 3:6)? Does it mean that he was sinless (Rom 7:15, 18-19, 22-25). Why did this statement so infuriate the high priest Ananias (Ac 23:2)?
- How did Paul respond when Ananias ordered him to be struck on the mouth (Ac 23:3)? Is this a godly Christian response (Mt 5:39, 48; 23:27)? Did Paul not “realize that he was the high priest” (Ac 23:4-5)?
- What did Paul say to the council when he realized that it was composed of both Pharisees and Sadducees (Ac 23:6-8)? What was the impact of his statement on the council (Ac 23:9-10)?
- Why did the Lord appear to Paul during the night in prison (Ac 23:11)?
- Why might he have been discouraged (Ac 21:35; 22:22; 23:10)?
- Have you had an emotional existential encounter of the closeness of God (Ac 23:11; 18:9-10; Gen 15:1, 5-6; 32:30-31; Exo 3:5-6; 33:19; Isa 6:5; Lk 5:8; Rev 1:17)?
- Do you experience inner strength and courage in an uncertain and fearful, unpredictable situation?
- What was the plan of the Jews to kill Paul (Ac 23:12-15)? Why were they so bent on killing him? How could they justify it to themselves when the Law [torah] they say they upheld says, “You shall not murder” (Exo 20:13)?
How did Paul’s nephew become aware of the plot against Paul’s life (Ac 23:16)? What can you surmise here about the sovereignty and providence of God (Rom 8:28; Gen 50:20)?
- How did the commander of the Roman soldiers respond when he learned about the plot to kill Paul (Ac 23:17-22)? Why (Ac 22:29)?
- What measures did the commander take to send Paul to governor Felix in Caesarea (Ac 23:23-24, 31)? Why such an enormous entourage of 470 soldiers horsemen and spearmen (Ac 18:2; 21:38)?
- What was the purpose of the letter that the Roman commander Claudius Lysias wrote to Governor Felix (Ac 23:26-30)?
- How did the centurion ensure Paul’s safety during his transfer to Felix (Ac 23:31-33)? How does this also demonstrate God’s providence and protection over Paul during his trials (Ac 23:11, 16)? What lessons can you learn from Paul’s experience in dealing with opposition and persecution (Ac 23:1; 20:24)?
- Why did Felix keep Paul “under guard in Herod’s palace” (Ac 23:34-35)?
- Paul’s conscience before God. “I have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day” (Ac 23:1).
- God’s nearness to Paul. “The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, ‘Take courage!” (Ac 23:11).
- The providence of God. “…when the son of Paul’s sister heard of this plot [to kill Paul], he…told Paul” (Ac 23:16).
- Infuriates the corrupt (23:2).
- Responds courageously (23:3).
- Apologizes immediately (23:4-5).
- Discerns with wisdom (23:6-10).
- Draws God near (23:11).
- Rescues from death (23:12-35).
- Appearing before the Sanhedrin (22:30-23:11).
- Opening remarks (22:30-23:1).
- Conflict with the high priest (23:2-5). Paul and the high priest Ananias.
- The debate and its aftermath (23:6-10). Paul, the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
- An encouraging vision (23:11). Paul and the Lord standing near.
- Rescue from death again (23:12-35). Paul’s enemies plot to kill him (23:12-22).
- Hatching the plot (23:12-15).
- Exposing the plot (23:16-22).
- Preventing the plot (23:23-35). Paul is sent to Caesarea.
- “Providence means that the hand of God is in everything, working out His perfect plan, even in the midst of human decisions and actions.” A.W. Tozer.
“The God who knows you best knows the best for you.” Woodrow Kroll.
“In the mystery of God’s providence, even the trials and sufferings we face are used for our ultimate good and His glory.” Timothy Keller.
“God’s providence is the believer’s greatest assurance in times of uncertainty, knowing that our lives are in the hands of a loving and sovereign God.” Alistair Begg.
- “The providence of God is the anchor of our faith, assuring us that even in the midst of trials and tribulations, He is working all things together for our good.” J.I. Packer.
- “The providence of God is not a mere passive observation of events; it is an active involvement in every aspect of life, directing and guiding us toward His intended purposes.” Charles H. Spurgeon.
- “God’s providence is like a tapestry, with all the threads of our lives intricately woven together to display His wisdom and love.” Timothy Keller.
- “In the tapestry of life, we may only see the backside with its tangled threads, but God sees the beautiful design on the other side, crafted by His providential hand.” Jerry Bridges.
- “Providence reminds us that nothing happens by chance or luck; every event and circumstance is under the sovereign control of a loving and purposeful God.” Ravi Zacharias.
- “God’s providence is not a guarantee of a trouble-free life, but it is the assurance that He will never leave us nor forsake us, no matter what we face.” Max Lucado.
- “Providence is God’s ordering and sustaining of all things, both great and small, for His glory and the good of His people.” J.I. Packer.
- “Providence means that God is always at work in the world, guiding and orchestrating events according to His perfect will.” A.W. Pink.
- “God’s providence is the hand that guides, the eye that sees, and the heart that cares for His creation.” Charles H. Spurgeon.
- “Providence is the comforting truth that we are never outside the reach of God’s care and control.” Ravi Zacharias.
- “Divine providence means that nothing in this world happens by chance or accident; everything is part of God’s sovereign plan.” John MacArthur.
- “In the tapestry of life, Providence weaves the threads of our circumstances, forming a beautiful masterpiece according to His perfect design.” John Newton.
These quotes highlight the belief that God’s providence is the active and purposeful care of God over His creation, encompassing all things and working for the good of His people.
These quotes highlight the belief in God’s providence as an active and purposeful involvement in the world, demonstrating His wisdom, care, and guidance over all things.
God comes to man to encourage and uplift:
- “God comes to us not in our strength but in our weakness, not in our success but in our failures, not in our righteousness but in our brokenness. He comes to encourage us and give us hope.” Brennan Manning, author, theologian.
- “God never stops pursuing us. He relentlessly seeks us out in our darkest moments, offering His comfort, guidance, and encouragement. He is the God who comes to us.” – Louie Giglio, pastor and author.
- “In Jesus, we see God’s ultimate act of coming to humanity. He came to show us love, grace, and forgiveness. His coming encourages us to approach Him with confidence and find strength in His presence.” – Timothy Keller.
- “God’s coming to us is an invitation to experience His goodness and mercy. He meets us where we are and offers us encouragement for the journey ahead.” – Ann Voskamp, author and speaker.
- “God’s coming to us is an act of divine compassion. He sees our struggles, hears our cries, and extends His hand to lift us up. His presence brings encouragement and renewed hope.” – Max Lucado, pastor and author.
- “God’s coming to humanity is a reminder that we are never alone. He stands with us, empowering us with His Spirit, and gives us the courage to face any challenge that comes our way.” – Rick Warren, pastor and author.
- “When God comes to us, He brings comfort to our pain, strength to our weakness, and peace to our troubled hearts. His presence is a constant source of encouragement.” – Sarah Young, author of “Jesus Calling.”
- “God’s coming to us is a declaration of His love and faithfulness. He meets us in our lowest moments to remind us that He is with us, cheering us on and helping us overcome.” – Joyce Meyer, author and speaker.
- “God’s coming to humanity is a reminder of His relentless pursuit of relationship with us. His encouragement lifts us up, empowers us, and reminds us of our infinite worth in His eyes.” – Lysa TerKeurst, author and speaker.
- “God’s coming to us is an act of divine grace. He enters into our lives, bringing encouragement and reminding us of our true identity in Him. His presence strengthens us to live victoriously.” – John Bevere, author and minister.
These quotes highlight the idea that God actively seeks to encourage and uplift humanity, coming to us in our times of need and offering His presence, love, and support.
- “God is closer to us than water is to a fish.” – Oswald Chambers
- “God is never more than a prayer away.” – Max Lucado
- “God is not far off in the distance, but as close as our breath.” – Timothy Keller
- “God is always present, always available, and always longing to be close to us.” – Timothy Keller.
- “God is always near us, always with us, always within us, always working for our good.” – Charles H. Spurgeon
- “God’s presence is not a far-off, abstract concept but a living reality that is as close as our next breath.” – Richard J. Foster
- “The nearness of God is not limited by time or space. He transcends all boundaries and is always available to those who seek Him.” – Richard J. Foster, theologian and author.
- “The nearness of God is my good.” – A.W. Tozer
- “God is nearer to us than our own soul; for he is the ground in which it stands.” – Meister Eckhart
- “God is closer to you than the air you breathe, closer than the beating of your own heart.” – John Ortberg
- “God’s nearness is not dependent on our feelings or circumstances but on His unchanging nature and promise to always be with us.” – Jerry Bridges
- “God is always near us, always with us, always within us, and always for us.” – John Wesley, theologian, founder of Methodism.
- “God is not far away from us, but is within us, is us, is our very life.” – Meister Eckhart, Christian mystic.
- “God is nearer to us than we are to ourselves; He is more intimately present to us than we are to ourselves.” – Augustine of Hippo, early Christian theologian.
- “God’s nearness is not measured by physical proximity but by spiritual connection. He is as close as our next breath, always ready to hear and respond to our prayers.” – Max Lucado, pastor and author.
- “The nearness of God is not a physical distance, but a spiritual reality. It is the awareness of His presence in every aspect of our lives.” – A.W. Tozer, theologian and author.
- “When we feel far from God, it is not because He has moved away from us, but because we have allowed our hearts to grow distant. He is always near, patiently waiting for us to turn to Him.” – Francis Chan, pastor and author.
- “God’s nearness is a constant, even in the darkest moments. He walks with us through every trial, offering comfort and strength.” – Beth Moore, author and Bible teacher.
- “God’s nearness is a source of comfort and peace. In His presence, we find refuge and strength to face whatever challenges come our way.” – Charles Spurgeon, pastor and author.
Remember, these quotes offer various perspectives on the nearness of God, and different individuals may have different theological views. These quotes emphasize the belief that God is always close to us, intimately involved in our lives, and ready to hear our prayers. They remind us that we can experience the nearness of God in our daily lives and find comfort and strength in that closeness.