COVENANT-Psalm 105

“He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made [the word he commanded], for a thousand generations, the covenant he made with Abraham, the oath he swore to Isaac. He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, [statute] to Israel as an everlasting covenant” (Psalm 105:8-10).
- Why must God’s people [Abraham’s descendents (Ps 105:6)] give praise and glory to God (Ps 105:1-7)? What did God intend for them to be and do (Exo 19:6)?
What specific promises did God make (Ps 105:8-11) to Abraham (Gen 12:2-3; 22:18; 15:18), Isaac (Gen 26:4) and Jacob (Gen 28:13-15; 32:22-32)? What do these words teach us about God: covenant, promise, oath, decree, everlasting?
- How few were the wandering patriarchs initially (Ps 105:12-13; Gen 46:26)? What can you learn about God’s faithfulness toward them during that vulnerable time (Ps 105:14-15; Gen 20:3, 6-7)?
- How was God’s sovereign hand manifest in Joseph’s life (Ps 105:16-22; Gen 50:20 [Genesis 37-50])?
- How was the increase of the Israelites and their oppression part of God’s plan (Ps 105:23-25; Gen 1:28; Exo 1:6-7, 11-22)? How was Moses involved (Ps 105:26-27; Exo3:2-6ff)?
- Which specific plagues are mentioned and what do they reveal about God’s power (Ps 105:28-36)? How many plagues are mentioned? Are they in order (Ps 105:28, 36; Exo 11:5)?
- How did God protect the Israelites as they left Egypt (Ps 105:37-38; Exo 12:33-36)? How did God provide for them in the wilderness (Ps 105:39-41; Exo 40:34-38; 16:13, 14-16, 4; 17:1-7; Num 20:1-13; 11:4-35)? Why (Ps 105:42)?
- How did God fulfil his promise (Ps 105:43-44; Dt 6:10-11)? What did God expect of them (Ps 105:45; Dt 6:12; Exo 20:2-27)?
- How does Psalm 105 encourage faith, obedience, and hope in God’s promises and covenant love?
Not one thing has failed. A God’s eye view of history–Obey. God’s blessings on his covenant people. God’s wonderful works on behalf of Israel. A celebration of Israel’s history.