Cloud-Rider, Divine Warrior. “May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee before him” (Ps 68:1). These opening words point to God as the Divine Warrior, as they replicate Moses’ words (Num 10:35). It was during the wilderness journey being depicted as the march of an army, with God, the war leader, represented by the ark of the covenant, at the head of the procession. The call for God to arise and to sing praise to “him who rides on the clouds” (Ps 68:4) “across the highest heavens” (Ps 68:33) indicates that this is a Divine-Warrior song. This powerful psalm praises God’s majesty, power, and care for his people. It depicts God as a Divine Warrior leading his people in victory over enemies.
How does the psalmist describe God’s power and victory as a warrior over His enemies (Ps 68:1-2, 21-23; Exo 15:6-7; Rev 19:1-2)?
How do the righteous respond (Ps 68:3-4)?
Who is the God “who rides on the clouds” (Ps 68:4, 33; 18:9; 104:3-4; Dt 33:26; Isa 19:1; Eze 1:4, 28; Nah 1:3; Mt 24:30; 26:64; Mk 13:26; 14:62; Lk 21:27; Rev 1:7)?
Does he exercise his authority over his subjects and his enemies (Mt 20:25-26; Mk 10:42-44; Lk 22:25-26)?
How does he rule (Mic 6:8; Mt 5:43-44; Mk 10:45; Jn 13:14-15; 15:15)?
What is God like toward the vulnerable (Ps 68:5-6, 10; 146:6-9; Dt 10:18; Jas 1:27)? The rebellious (Ps 68:6b)?
How did God lead Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness (Ps 68:7; Exo 13:21-22; Dt 32:10). How did he appear at Mt. Sinai (Ps 68:8; 77:17-18; Exo 19:16-17) and provide for them (Ps 68:9-10; 78:24, 27; 65:9-13; Exo 16:4)?
What is the word announced by the Lord (Ps 68:11-14)? Why the celebration (Exo 15:20-21; Judg 11:34; 1 Sam 18:6-7)? Are you involved in warfare (Eph 6:10-18; Col 2:15)?
What was Mount Bashan envious of, and what does this foreshadow (Ps 68:15-17, 29; 2 Chron 6:6; Heb 12:22-24)? How does Ps 68:18 apply to Christ (2 Cor 2:14; Eph 4:8)?
Why should you praise God (Ps 68:19-20, 21-23; 28:9; Exo 19:4; Dt 1:31; Isa 40:11)? How humiliating and horrifying is the demise of God’s enemies (Ps 68:23; 58:10; Isa 63:3; Eze 28:23)? How do these words foreshadow Jesus’ resurrection victory (1 Cor 15:54-57)?
How is the procession and worship celebrating God’s victory described (Ps 68:24-27; 150:3-5)? How can this inspire our worship of the ascended Christ (Rev 7:9-12)?
How will the prophesy regarding the submission of kings and nations be ultimately fulfilled (Ps 68:28-31; 76:11; Isa 18:7; 60:3-7; Hag 2:7; Zec 2:11-13; 6:15; 8:21-22; Rev 11:15; 21:24)? How can the church today embody God’s kingdom on earth (Mt 6:10; 5:13-14)?
Why should we the church always sing praise to God (Ps 68:32-35; Dan 7:14; Rev 11:15)?