TRUST-Psalm 25

Pleading (Desperation). “Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish. Look on my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins” (Ps 25:16-18).
Guilty (In trouble and feeling guilt for his sin). “Do not remember the sins [ḥaṭṭā’āṯ] of my youth and my rebellious ways [pešaʿ]…” “For the sake of your name, Lord, forgive my iniquity [ʿāôn], for it is great” (Ps 25:7, 11).
- Enemies and adversities are seldom absent from a Davidic psalm.
- Ps 25 is an individual lament psalm and a prayer of confidence (Ps 25:1-3, 8-15).
- The adversities mentioned and detailed are of a general nature (Ps 25:15-21) and and thus have broad application to anyone going through trials, tribulations and temptations.
- Forgiveness is a motif throughout (Ps 25:6-7, 11, 18).
- Why should you trust God (Ps 25:1-2; 86:4; Pro 3:5-6, Isa 26:3; 40:31)? Are you as confident as the psalmist (Ps 25:3)?
- How do you seek God’s guidance and instruction in your daily life (Ps 25:4-5; Jas 1:5)? Why is it important to ask God to show you His ways (Ps 119:105, Jn 14:6; 16:13)?
- Why should you remember God’s mercy and love (Ps 25:6, 10a; Jer 31:3; Exo 34:6-7; Lam 3:22-23; Rom 8:28)?
- Why should you ask God to not remember your past [and present] sins (Ps 25:7; Heb 8:12; 1 Jn 1:9)? Does he (Ps 103:11-12)? Do we (Ps 51:3)? Why should you ask for forgiveness for God’s name sake (Ps 25:11; Eze 36:22-23)?
- What instruction and guidance from God might you need (Ps 25:8-9; 1:1-2)? Why should you be humble (Ps 25:9b; Jas 4:6, 1 Pet 5:5-6)?
- How do you keep the demands of God’s covenant (Ps 25:10b; Dt 7:9, Heb 10:23)?
- Why is fearing God a blessing (Ps 25:12-15; Pro 1:7; 9:10)?
- Who does God confide in (Ps 25:14; Jn 15:14-15; Lk 18:13-14)?
- How can keeping your eyes on God help you avoid the snares of life (Ps 25:15; 34:7, Isa 41:10)?
- What emotions does David describe in his struggles (Ps 25:16-19)? How will this help you in times of anguish, distress and loneliness (Ps 34:17-18, Phil 4:6-7; 1 Pet 5:7)?
- How can integrity and uprightness protect you amid adversity (Ps 25:20-21; Prov 11:3)? Why is it important to take refuge in God amidst our struggles (Ps 91:1-2; Prov 2:7-8, 1 Pet 3:16)?
- Why does David end with a prayer for Israel (Ps 25:22; 130:7-8)? How can you incorporate prayers for your community and nation in your personal prayers (Jer 29:7; Rom 11:26-27; 1 Tim 2:1-2)?
- How does Ps 25:1 point to Christ? [“O Lord, I give my life to you” (NLT). “To you, O Lord, I lift up soul” (ESV, KJV, Motyer).]
- Jesus is the ultimate one who trusted God (Lk 23:46; Ps 31:5), gave hs entire life to God (Mk 10:45) and lifted up his entire being and soul to God by fully obeying God’s will (Jn 4:34; 5:30; 6:38; 8:26; 10:18; 12:49-50; 14:30-31; 15:10).
- Trust amidst troubles (Ps 25:1-3). I trust you.
- Plea for guidance (Ps 25:4-5) and forgiveness (Ps 25:6-7). Teach me your ways.
- Praise for God’s goodness (Ps 25:8-10). God is good. The humble are those God guides.
- Pivotal prayer: “For the sake of your name, Lord, forgive my iniquity, though it is great” (Ps 25:11; 23:3). {ʿāôn [‘avon] – intentional sin; action that is crooked or wrong.}
- Assurance for guidance (Ps 25:12-15). God blesses the righteous. Those who fear God are instructed and blessed.
- Final plea for relief from affliction and distress (16-21). Lord, help me and Israel.
- Communal plea (Ps 25:22).
Trust in the Lord
- Guidance and Instruction
- Remembering God’s Mercy and Love
- Humility and Guidance
- Covenant and Faithfulness
- Forgiveness and Reverence
- God’s Protection and Prosperity
- Prayer for Deliverance
- Integrity and Uprightness
- Final Prayer for Israel