The voice of Paul in the O.T. Martin Luther called Psalm 130 a “Pauline Psalm” because it strikes the typical “Pauline” notes of man naturally under condemnation: the need for free mercy and forgiveness (Ps 130:2, 4), redemption as the sole act of God out of his love (Ps 130:7-8), and man’s total dependence on mercy (Ps 130:1-2). Psalm 130 is a psalm of divine sufficiency. Psalm 129 sees Zion’s danger as hostility from enemies. But Psalm 130 finds the real danger to be unforgiven sin (Ps 130:3).
Outline (1, 2 is 100% from God’s sole act; 3, 4 is man’s appropriate response):
- Forgiveness is always from the giver‘s initiative and NEVER from the recipient‘s demand or expectation! Why?
- Forgiveness and mercy is ALWAYS getting what we do not deserve.
- Mercy (Ps 130:1-2).
- Forgiveness (Ps 130:3-4).
- Wait (Ps 130:5-6).
- Hope (Ps 130:7-8).
- What could “the depths” be (Ps 130:1, 3; 129:2; 69:1-2, 14; Jon 2:2)? Might unforgiven sin rather than external enemies pose the greatest danger to you (Ps 130:3)? What are your “depths” right now? What should you do “out of the depths” (Ps 130:1-2; Jas 5:16)? What is “mercy“ (Ps 130:2)?
What would happen to you if God “kept a record of [your] sins” (Ps 130:3)? How does God resolve His need for divine justice (Ps 130:4; 2 Cor 5:21; Rom 3:24-26)? What is “forgiveness” (Jer 31:34; Heb 8:12)?
- Are you sure of God’s forgiveness (1 Jn 1:9)?
- Is God’s forgiveness essential for having a relationship with Him (Isa 1:18)?
- Can God’s forgiveness be abused (Rom 6:1, 15)?
- Does God’s forgiveness cause you to revere/fear God (Ps 130:4b; Exo 34:6-7; Prov 9:10)? To repent (Isa 55:7)? How can you tell if you fear God (Ps 128:1)?
- How do you wait on the Lord with your “whole being” [soul] (Ps 130:5-6; Lam 3:25-26; Heb 12:1-2)? What do you wait for (Ps 130:4; 51:1-2, 9, 7-8, 10-12)?
- Why does the psalmist also address Israel (Ps 130:7-8; 73:15; 51:12-13)? How is God’s unfailing love [hesed] connected with God redeeming you and I (Rom 3:24; 8:1)? What is “hope” (Isa 40:31; Heb 11:1)?
- How does this psalm point to Christ and the gospel message (Lk 23:34; 18:13; Tit 3:5)?