OBEYING GOD Saves You-Acts 5:17-42

Tell of this new life. Life (Ac 5:20) is a synonym for salvation [the word of this salvation], including acts of rescue such as their miraculous deliverance from prison (Ac 5:19). The KJV, NKJV, ESV say, “all the words of this life.” The NRSV say, “the whole message about this life” (NRSV). TNIV added “new” to make clear that “this life” refers to the life made possible only by the saving work of Jesus through the “word” (Jn 6:63; 8:31-32; 14:15; 17:17; Eph 6:17; 1 Jn 2:5), who is “the author of life” (Ac 3:15). The gospel is described as the source of eternal life for Gentiles (Ac 11:18; 13:46, 48). The apostles were to take their stand “in the temple courts”–which is at the very center of Israel’s national and religious life–indicating the fulfillment of their hope in the Messiah Jesus. They were to do so in the face of mounting opposition [cf. Paul in Corinth (Ac 18:9-10)]. Their obedience to this divine imperative is indicated by the fact that they went into the temple “at daybreak” (Ac 5:21).

Opposition (5:17-42). The apostolic healing (Ac 5:14-16) provoked the 2nd attack by the authorities, as the healing of the congenital cripple had provoked the 1st. The religious authorities were “filled with jealousy” [righteous indignation] (Ac 5:17) because of their admiration, power and popularity and led to another arrest (Ac 5:18). The apostles disobeyed the Sanhedrin who told them not to speak in the name of Jesus (Ac 4:17) in order to obey the angel of the Lord who told them to speak the words of life (Ac 5:20, 25). How the high priest addressed them was an admission of their powerlessness before the purpose of God (Ac 5:27-28). They had all the human power and authority. Yet, in contempt of court and in defiance their authority, the apostles successfully filled Jerusalem with their teaching, and were determined to fasten on them the guilt of “this man’s blood” (Ac 5:28).

Envy at the success of others (Ac 5:17). The religious leaders [“high priest and all his associates”] were gripped by the jealousy of the apostles and by their authority being disobeyed.

Miraculous excape from prison happened here (Ac 5:19) and also with Peter again (Ac 12:6-11) and Paul (Ac 16:26-31), but not with James who was executed in prison. Luke’s intent is not to focus on the miracle but on the command of the angel (Ac 5:20), which the apostles obeyed (Ac 5:21, 25).

Obey God. The apostles’ response was a mini-sermon declaring why “we must obey God rather than human beings” (Ac 5:29). Christians are called to be conscientious citizens and generally speaking to submit to human authorities (Rom 13:1; Tit 3:1; 1 Pet 2:13). But if authority misuses its God-given power to command what God forbids or forbid what God commands, then civil or even ecclesiastical disobedience is called for as exemplied by the apostles. In their sermon, they emphasized 3 truths.

  1. God, “the God of our ancestors raised Jesus from the dead–whom [they] killed” (Ac 5:30).
  2. “God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior” (Ac 5:31a). So from this supreme position of honor and power he is able to give “repentance and forgive their sins”  (Ac 5:31b). And the apostles were not just eye-witnesses but mouth-witnesses (Ac 5:32a). Yet…
  3. …the chief witness is the Holy Spirit (Ac 5:32b; Jn 15:26), “whom God has given to those who obey him” (Ac 5:32c). The sermon began and ended with a reference to obeying God (Ac 5:29, 32).


  1. Wright, N.T. Acts for Everyone, Part 1. Chapters 1-12. 2008.
  2. Witherington III, Ben. The Acts of the Apostles. A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary. 1998. Portents and Persecutions (5:17-42).
  3. Stott, John. The Message of Acts. 1990. Through the Bible through the year, Daily reflections from Genesis to Revelation. 2006.
  4. Peterson, David G. The Acts of the Apostles. The Pillar NT commentary. 2009. Conflict with the Authorities Again (5:17-42).
  5. Osborne, Grant. Acts. Verse by Verse. 2019.
  6. Marshall, I. Howard. Acts. Tyndale NT commentaries (TNTC). 1980.
  7. Barclay, William. The Acts of the Apostles. The Daily Study Bible Series. 1976.
  8. Fernando, Ajith. The Message of Jesus in Action. 2010.

PrayerPossessionsPersecution and Proclamation (4:23-8:3).

  1. Prayer and power (4:23-31). The disciples pray for further boldness.
  2. The community of goods (4:32-37). A further summary of the life of the early church.
  3. The sin of Ananias and Sapphira (5:1-11).
  4. The sum of the matter (5:12-16). The apostles heal many. The continued growth of the church.
  5. Portents and persecutions (5:17-42). The 2nd arrest of the apostles. Conflict with the authorities again.
    1. The apostles are re-arrested (5:17-33).
    2. The moderating influence of Gamaliel (5:34-40).
    3. The ministry of the apostles continues (5:41-42).