Continue what Jesus BEGAN in You-Acts 1
Bible study questions on Acts 1. Can I/we live up to what Acts teaches? Are you continuing what Jesus BEGAN in you (Ac 1:1)? What did Jesus begin in you? Once you accept Christ, is that […]
Bible study questions on Acts 1. Can I/we live up to what Acts teaches? Are you continuing what Jesus BEGAN in you (Ac 1:1)? What did Jesus begin in you? Once you accept Christ, is that […]
Paul‘s ‘fool‘s speech‘ is foolish, but he felt forced by the church’s failure to speak up for him. They should’ve commended him, rather than he having to foolishly boast of himself, for he […]
Have you had any mystical estatic experiences (2 Cor 12:1, 4)? Do your weaknessnes crush you or strengthen you (2 Cor 12:10)? What are your weaknesses where you might experience the power of God? The psalmist’s thorn in the flesh (Psalm 38). “Your arrows have pierced me, and your […]
Paul ironically describes himself as a fool (1 Cor 3:18-20; 4:9-10) and as scum and garbage (1 Cor 4:13). The whole point of irony is that, either in word or deed, the truth is presented in terms of it’s opposite. It’s like paradox, which […]
Do you examine yourself (2 Cor 13:5)? Or do you mainly examine, evaluate and judge others? Are you [truly] a Christian? How do you know (Mt 11:29)? What’s the evidence? What moves you […]
2021-07-12 15:39:04 Do you compare yourself with someone who is more popular, prettier, smarter, ‘better,’ more successful (2 Cor 10:12)? How do you “boast in the Lord” (2 Cor […]
A demanding weak leader. To his critics Paul was a weak, worldly, worthless, double-minded, unimpressive church leader with a bold front. In ch. 10-13 Paul answers their biting criticisms and wholesale attacks. A weak person may be timid and fearful, while a bold person intimidates others while […]
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Are you generous or stingy with your money? Do you think your money is yours OR that it is for others? Do you sow sparingly or generously (2 Cor 9:6; Dt 15:10; […]
Mi casa es su casa [“My house is your house”]. The goal is equality, but the giving must be voluntary–not forced or demanded or legislated. “Our desire is not that others might be relieved […]
2021-06-12 17:15:14 How much money are you making? How much are you giving? Can we ask such questions of one another in the church? Giving is a highly sensitive topic, […]
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