Telling Your Story Saves You-Acts 22

“The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard” (Ac 22:14-15; 1:8).

  1. What had just happened to Paul (Ac 21:30-31, 35-36)?  Why would he still want to speak to them (Rom 10:1; 9:3)? In addressing his fellow Israelites, how does Paul establish his credibility (Ac 22:1-3; 5:34, 38-40)? How did he previously regard “the followers of the Way” (Ac 22:4-5)?
  2. How did God intervene in Paul’s life (Ac 22:6-7)? When Jesus identified himself, how did Paul respond (Ac 22:8-11; Isa 6:8)? What is the evidence that Paul has changed (Ac 22:10)? How has God intervened in your life and how have you responded?
  3. How was Ananias instrumental in Paul’s life (Ac 22:12-14)? Does God have to use people to reach people (Ac 8:1, 30-35; 10:4-6)? How does/did God lead others/you to Himself? What are 4 duties of those who are called/chosen by God (Ac 22:14-15). Are you called to “be his witness to all people” (Ac 22:15)?
  4. How did God continue to lead Paul’s life (Ac 22:17-18, 21; 21:28; 9:15-16, 26-30; 13:46-47; Isa 49:6; 6:9-11; Gal 1:17-21)? Why did Paul object (Ac 22:19-20; 7:58-60)?
  5. How and why did the crowd react so violently when Paul mentioned the Gentiles (Ac 22:22-23; 21:20-21, 28)?
  6. What did the Roman commander intend to do before he found out he was a Roman citizen (Ac 22:24)? Why (Ac 22:30; 21:33-34)? How did Paul’s Roman citizenship protect him (Ac 22:25-29)? How does this demonstrate God’s providential care and guidance over Paul’s life and mission (Ac 23:11)?
  7. Can you share your testimony/tell your story (Rev 12:11)? A short, medium, long version. 3 parts:
    1. Before conversion: Who you were? (Ac 22:2-5). His conduct before Christ.
    2. Conversion: What changed you? (Ac 22:6-16). His conversion experience with Christ.
    3. After conversion: How have you changed? (Ac 22:17-21; 20:24; 21:13). His commission by Christ.
Share your story:
  • “Your testimony is a reminder that God is still at work in the world. Don’t be silent about what He has done in your life; let your voice be a testament to His love and grace.” John Bevere.
  • “Your story is an integral part of God’s redemptive plan. By sharing it, you participate in His work of reconciliation and restoration.” Timothy Keller.
  • “Sharing your story is an act of vulnerability and courage. It opens the door for others to connect with you and find healing in their own journeys.” Brene Brown.
What Paul encountered when Christ met him:
  1. Divine contact (Ac 22:6; 9:3).
  2. Divine conviction (Ac 22:7;9:4).
  3. Divine conversion (Ac 22:10; 9:5).
  4. Divine communion (Ac 22:11; 9:9).
  5. Divine commission (Ac 22:14-15; 9:15).
4 duties of those who are called and chosen by God (Ac 22:14-15):
  1. “know his will” (Rom 12:2).
  2. “see the Righteous One” (Heb 12:2; 1 Jn 2:15-17; Job 31:1).
  3. “hear words from his mouth” (Mt 4:4; 7:24-27; Ps 1:2; 119:97).
  4. “be his witness” (Ac 1:8).
Paul’s Final Journey: To Jerusalem and Rome (Acts 21-28).
  1. Defending his mission and the gospel (22:1-21). Paul delivers his defense speech (22:1-21).
    1. Paul’s former life in Judaism; his pedigree and life as a Jew (22:1-5). 
    2. Paul’s encounter with the Risen Jesus; the vision of Jesus on the road (22:6-11).
    3. Ananias and the redirection of Paul’s life; his dawn of understanding (22:12-16).
    4. Paul’s subsequent vision in the temple; the vision and commission to the Gentiles (22:17-21).
  2. Claiming his right as a Roman citizen. The crowd rejects Paul and he is interrogated by the Romans (22:22-30).
  1. “Your story is the greatest legacy that you will leave to your friends. It’s the longest-lasting legacy you will leave to your heirs.” – Steve Saint, Christian missionary and author.
  2. “Your testimony is not only about you; it’s about what God has done in your life. Share it boldly, and watch how it impacts others.” – Christine Caine, author and speaker.
  3. “When you share your testimony, you give hope to others who may be walking a similar path. Your story has the power to change lives.” – Max Lucado, pastor and author.
  4. “God can use your brokenness to bring healing to others. Don’t be afraid to share your story; it may be the key that unlocks someone else’s prison.” – Joyce Meyer, author and speaker.
  5. Your story is a living testimony of God’s faithfulness. Share it with the world, and let His light shine through you.” – Rick Warren, pastor and author.
  6. “The power of your testimony lies not in the details of your past, but in the transformation of your present. Share how God has changed your life, and others will be inspired to seek Him.” – T.D. Jakes, pastor and author.
  7. “Don’t underestimate the impact of your story. It may be just what someone needs to hear to believe that God can do the impossible.” – Priscilla Shirer, author and speaker.
  8. “Your testimony is not about impressing others; it’s about inspiring them. Be authentic and share from your heart, and God will use your words to touch lives.” – Beth Moore, author and Bible teacher.
  9. Your testimony is not just about you; it is about God’s work in and through you. When you share your story, you give others hope and point them to the One who can transform their lives.” – Rick Warren
  10. The most powerful testimony you can give is the story of how Jesus has changed your life. Your story has the potential to inspire and bring others to faith.” – Max Lucado
  11. “Your testimony is not just for your own encouragement; it is for the encouragement of others. By sharing your story, you become a witness to God’s grace and mercy in the lives of others.” – Joyce Meyer
  12. “When you share your story, you give others permission to share theirs. Your vulnerability creates a safe space for others to open up and find healing.” – Brene Brown
  13. Your story is a unique expression of God’s work in your life. Don’t underestimate the power of your testimony to impact others and bring glory to God.” – Charles R. Swindoll
  14. “Sharing your testimony is an act of obedience and a way to declare God’s faithfulness. It reminds you and others of God’s work in your life.” – Beth Moore
  15. Your story is a testament to God’s faithfulness and love. When you share it, you invite others to experience His goodness and find hope in their own journeys.” – Louie Giglio
  16. God can use your story, no matter how broken or messy it may be, to bring healing and transformation to others. Don’t underestimate the power of sharing your testimony.” – Christine Caine
  17. “When you share your testimony, you not only give glory to God but also offer hope to those who may be walking in similar struggles. Your story can be a lifeline for someone else.” – Lysa TerKeurst

Remember, these quotes provide different perspectives on the importance of sharing your story or testimony. The act of sharing can inspire, encourage, and bring hope to others, as well as deepen your own faith journey.

Remember, sharing your story or testimony is a personal decision, and it’s important to do so in a way that feels comfortable and appropriate for you.

Overview questions (Acts 23-28):
  1. Who was Ananias, and how did he figure into Paul’s defense before the Sanhedrin (Ac 23:1-5)?
  2. How did Paul escape from the plot to kill him, and where did he go next (Ac 23:12-35)?
  3. Who was Felix, and why did Paul end up staying in custody under his supervision for 2 years (Ac 23:23-26:32)?
  4. How did Paul defend himself before King Agrippa, and what was the outcome of his trial (Ac 26:1-32)?
  5. What was Paul’s ultimate fate, according to the book of Acts (Ac 28:30-31)?