BENEFITS-Psalm 103

“Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Ps 103:1-2).
Psalm 103, an individual thanksgiving psalm, is one of the best loved psalms. It is an outpouring expression of gratitude and praise to the God of all grace, where David piles up words to express his gratitude to the God of grace. His praise expands in 3 concentric circles from personal (1-5) to national (6-18) to universal (19-22).
- God’s blessing (1-5). Forgiveness. “…who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases…” (Ps 103:3). God’s grace personally.
- God’s nature (6-18). Love. “He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel: The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love” (Ps 103:7-8). God’s love nationally.
- God’s throne (19-22). Sovereignty. “The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all” (Ps 103:19). God’s dominion universally.
Throughout Psalm 103, David emphasizes that God’s love, mercy, and compassion are unfailing and eternal for those who revere Him.
- What does David passionately call on his soul to do (Ps 103:1-2; 42:5, 11; 43:5; 57:7-8)? Why should Christians always do so and never ever forget (Dt 8:10-14)?
- What benefits should we never ever forget (Ps 103:3; 2 Sam 12:13; Ps 103:4; 49:7-9, 13-15; 16:9-11; Ps 103:5; Isa 40:30-31)?
- To whom are God’s righteousness and justice revealed (Ps 103:6-7)?
- How is God’s character described (Ps 103:8-10)?
- How is the extent of God’s love [ḥeseḏ] depicted (Ps 103:11-13)?
- Why is God compassionate toward us (Ps 103:14-16)?
- How is the brevity of human life and the everlasting nature of God contrasted (Ps 103:15-18)?
- Why should all creation praise God (Ps 103:19-22)?
- How should believers always respond to God’s goodness and mercy (Ps 103:20-22)?
Psalm 103 is a powerful reminder to believers to never forget the many benefits and blessings that come from following and trusting in God.
- Kidner. 1975. So great is his love. 1. Personal praise (1-5). 2. Wayward family, gentle father (6-14). 2. Fading life, eternal love (15-18). 4. Praise from all creation (19-22).
- Stott. Benefits of God’s Grace. 1. God’s benefits to me (1-5). 2. God’s mercy to His people (6-18). 3. God’s dominion over all creation (19-22).
- Longman III, Garland. 2008. His compassions [forgiveness], they fail not.
- Keller. 2015. 5. Motyer. 2015. 6. Guzik, LeBouttier. Bless the Lord, O my soul. 7. McArthur. Remembering all his benefits.